Sayings of Swami Vivekananda - Viv Words

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1. succ-Slow but sure.
2. Nivedi-Struggle is worship.
3. evil-Deny evil, create none.
4. edu-A child teaches itself.
5. edu-A child educates itself.
6. love- Love knows no reward.
7. fear-Love knows no fear.
8. fear-Love banishes all fear.
9. love-Love never dies.
10. and-- My life is more precious than spending it in getting the
admiration of the world. I have no time for such foolery.
11.SN-The ultimate fact in the world is man, not power:
The ultimate fact in man is God. Therefore let all men
believe in themselves. To all men let us say-----------be
strong. Quit ye like men. Work out that which worketh
in you. Believe in yourselves.
12. India---Bring forth the power of the spirit, and pour
it over the length and breadth of India; and all that is
necessary will come by itself.
13.Because your thirst for spirituality has not come,
therefore you are sitting idle.
14. and- The earth moves, causing the illusion of the movement of
the sun; but the sun does not move. So Prakṛti, or Maya, or
Nature, is moving, changing, unfolding veil after veil, turning
over leaf after leaf of this grand book--while the witnessing soul
drinks in knowledge, unmoved, unchanged.
15. succ-Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three
essentials to success. And, above all, love.
16. India-Only have faith. Do not look up to the so called
rich and great; do not care for the heartless intellectual
writers, and their cold-blooded newspaper articles. Faith,
sympathy-fiery faith and fiery sympathy! Life is nothing,
death is nothing, hunger nothing, cold nothing. Glory unto
the Lord------------March on, the Lord is our general.
17. And--------We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we
wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now
has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever
we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to
know how to act.
18. India—Man is first to be saved; he must be given food,
education, and spirituality.
19. India----Hear me, my friend, I have discovered the
secret through the grace of the Lord. Religion is not at
fault. On the other hand your religion teaches you that
every being is only your own self-multiplied. But it was
the want of practical application, the want of
sympathy------------the want of heart. This state of things
must be removed, not by destroying religion but by
following the great teachings of the Hindu faith.
20. India---We have indeed many things to learn from
others; yea, that man who refuses to learn is already dead.
21. Rajayoga---------Unhealthy persons cannot be Yogis.
22. India—Men we want, and how can men be made unless
Sraddha (faith) is there?
23. mind------As soon as his thinking power goes, he
become no better than an animal.
24. edu------The end and aim of all training is to make the
man grow.
25. We get caught. How? Not by what we give but by what we expect. We get
misery in return for our love; not from the fact that we love, but from the fact that
we want love in return. There is no misery where there is no want.
26. solution---The miseries of the world cannot be cured by
physical help only. Until man’s nature changes, these
physical needs will always arise, and miseries will always
be felt, and no amount of physical help will cure them
completely. The only solution of this problem is to make
mankind pure. Ignorance is the mother of all the evil
and all the misery we see. Let men have light, let them
be pure and spiritually strong and educated, then alone
will misery cease in the world, not before.
· 27. ideal---- The vast majority of persons are
groping through this dark life without any ideal
at all. If a man with an ideal makes a thousand
mistakes, I am sure that the man without an ideal
makes fifty thousand…………….To the vast
majority of mankind, the body is everything; the
body is all the universe to them; bodily
enjoyment is their all in all. This demon of the
worship of the body and of the things of the body
has entered into us all. We may indulge in tall
talk and take very high flights, but we are like
vultures all the same; our mind is directed to the
piece of carrion down below.
· Fear-- Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is
unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the
negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world
have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear.
· Knowledge--- First get rid of the delusion “I am
the body,” then only will we want real
· And------ Freedom can never be reached by the
weak. Throw away all weakness. Tell your body
that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong,
and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.
· Work-If you are poor, work. If you are rich,
work. If you are burdened with un-seemingly
unfair responsibilities, work. If disappointments
come, work. If sorrow overwhelms you and
loved ones seem not true, work. If health is
threatened, work. When dreams are shattered and
hope seems dead, work. Work as if your life is in
peril. Its really is. No matter what ails you, work.
Work faithfully. Work in faith. Work is the great
remedy available for both mental and physical
· Nivedita faith—The ultimate fact in the world
is man, not power: the ultimate fact in man is
God. Therefore let all men believe in themselves.
To all men let us say---------------be strong. Quit
ye like men. Work out that which worketh in
you. Believe in yourselves.
· Thinking---- Bless people when the revile you.
Think how much good they are doing by helping
to stamp out the false ego. Hold fast to the
Atman, think only pure thoughts, and you will
accomplish more than a regiment of mere
· Edu-----Learn with all devotion.
· Medita------- Work a little harder at meditation
and it comes. You do not feel the body or
anything else. When you come out of it after the
hour, you have had the most beautiful rest you
ever had in your life. That is the only way you
ever give rest to your system.
· Love---We will illustrate love by a triangle, of which the first angle at the base
is fearlessness. So long as there is fear, it is not love. Love banishes all fear. A
mother with her baby will face a tiger to save her child. The second angle is that
love never asks, never begs. The third or the apex is that love loves for the sake of
love itself. Even the idea of object vanishes. Love is the only form in which love
is loved. This is the highest abstraction and the same as the Absolute.
· Evil-The root of evil is in the illusion that we are bodies. This, if any, is the
original sin.

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